TOWERING 65 metres into the sky, this terrifying accent is a dream for climbers. The Totem Pole is a natural rock formation, known as a sea or coastal stack, located at Cape Hauy in Tasmania, Australia, where it attracts adventurers from across the world. A sea stack is a steep and often vertical column of rock, found in the sea or near the coast and formed by erosion. These amazing photographs were captured by Australian photographer Simon Carter, 47, after he decided to capture climbers tackling the unique landmark.
These uninvited guests ELEPHANTLY make their annual trip through the reception of this welcoming lodge .
SITTING in the middle of a vast desert, an abandoned cinema is still waiting for its first movie to be screened .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea .
A mischievous fox cub demonstrates his playful side by biting his sibling’s tail .
An Australian explorer has travelled the globe with a toy pig, known as Travel Piggy, in search of a missing cuddly companion .
STOLEN £2K BULLDOG REUNITED WITH FAMILY VIA TWITTER - A £2,000 bulldog puppy snatched from her home by burglars has been reunited with her family thanks to Twitter .
From a floating jelly fish to a relaxed seal, Britain’s unappreciated beach life is captured above and below the water .
GLIDING through the water, these delightful frogs show off their vibrant colours as they practice their FROG crawl .
This brave Hyena finally catches his pray among the thousands of flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya - OUTNUMBERED among thousands of flamingos, this bold hyena is not put off from hunting for a morning snack .
Struggling home entertainment chain Blockbuster has been slammed for advertising its workers' jobs while they are still in them in order to scare them into working harder .
A trio of ants are locked in a tug of war over a fly as they pull the bug by its legs .