WITH a paw in the air and his tongue hanging from his mouth, it is clear to see that this little groundhog is struggling to wake up and leave behind the comfort of his burrow. The groundhog takes a moment to stretch before quickly becoming aware that he's not alone. The adorable scene was captured in the Tonale Pass, a high mountain pass in Trentino Alto Adige, Italy, by freelance photographer Maurizio Lancini. The 39-year-old, of Rodengo Saiano, Brescia, Italy, says:"I spotted the entrance to the burrow so decided to hide nearby and wait for the groundhog to appear.
Meet the human CCTV: a PCSO with a memory for faces so sharp he has apprehended more than 130 suspects in the last year alone with his eagle eyed talents .
Playing, splashing and generally messing around, these polar bears show they certainly have a soft spot for the water, and not just each other .
WELCOME to the pretty 122-inch-tall red dwelling that lays claim to the title of the UK's smallest house .
Families in an Indian slum put their lives on the line by living on top of an ACTIVE railway track .
A couple have tied the knot in a spectacular Harry Potter-themed wedding which cost £45,000 .
A cricket perches on an unusual seat after crawling up the snout of a crocodile .
SNOWBOARDING in your £2,000 wedding dress sounds like a nightmare for most brides .
These adorable pictures show the moment two cuddly red panda cubs take their first look at the outside world and are weighed for the very first time .
At first glance what might look like ordinary rusty bridge and road railings, are in fact amazing works of art .
VENTURING into the ocean with self-made spears and nets, the fishermen of Zanzibar put their lives on the line when they catch food for their families .
A grand 56-bedroom hotel, once heaving with injured soldiers during the First World War, now lies completely abandoned .
An Australian explorer has travelled the globe with a toy pig, known as Travel Piggy, in search of a missing cuddly companion .