A small Indian monkey is seemingly gob-smacked after reading the latest stock market news. While digging into some lunch, the little Rhesus macaque appears to be shocked by a shares slump as he sits in the trees of Lalbagh Botanical Gardens in southern India. The comical photographs were captured by 28-year-old software engineer Bhavani Gucha while on a photography trip.
A makeup artist from the West Midlands magically transforms herself into famous cartoon characters using body paint .
A once bustling gold rush town in Mono County, California now stands completed deserted .
Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters .
THIS may look like a dolphin through jumping hoops, but it is in fact nothing more than a clever 3D pencil drawing .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
A photographer has captured stunning photographs of the Milky Way above picturesque landscapes in the UK and Italy .
A BUMPER season of births has left zoo with three of the cutest exotic kittens you're likely to see .
With an abandoned tricycle sitting in an empty corridor, this derelict but once grand mansion could be the setting for The Shining .
THIS is the EXPLOSIVE moment when a 50 metre high pylon came crashing down to earth in a rural field .
A terrified moose, trapped in a frozen lake, bobs her head above the icey water and awaits her rescue .
A SPECTACULAR array of stars fills the night sky as they soar over this active volcano .