BRITISH kingfishers love to cool off by creating a splash. During the sizzling summer days these kings of the river enjoy hunting for fish AND indulge in a dip at the same time. Stunning pictures show how the charismatic kingfisher dive bombs at speeds of up to 25-miles-per hour to catch their little fish prey. Pre-press operator Mark Bridger, 44, from West Malling in Kent took to the pictures while he was out rambling in the countryside. There are between 5,000 to 8,000 breeding pairs of kingfishers living in Britain at any one time. They live in the whole of the British Isles except west Ireland, the Outer Hebrides and the edge of northwest Scotland
A lazy otter finds the ideal spot to soak up the sun and sleep off his lunch .
The view from this rooftop pool is sure to make most holidaymakers envious .
WELCOME to the drawing room that is home to the £100K world’s greatest collection of Margaret Thatcher autographed objects .
Blonde teen Jess Stubbs has certainly got girl power - as Britain’s youngest TRUCKER .
THIS is the EXPLOSIVE moment when a 50 metre high pylon came crashing down to earth in a rural field .
These photographs of extreme weather capture storms furiously rolling across the sky above America .
With luminous colours and alien- like features, these magical mushrooms look like they belong on another planet .
HEART-MELTING shots of a French bulldog and a ten-month-old French baby could be the cutest you’re likely to see .
NOT YOUR everyday selfie, this plucky diver poses with some of the scariest predators in the ocean .
SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .
BREATHING life back into old photographs, these black and white images are transformed by colour .