This is the moment a nimble red fox and a lumbering Alaskan brown bear were locked in a tense stand-off. The 500lb bear confronted the fox on the tidal flats of the Katmai National Park in southern Alaska. After a short chase, where the quick-footed fox deftly outmanoeuvred the bear, the two animals sat completely still and waited for the other to make a move. American photographer Nate Zeman witnessed the scene in the Alaskan national park after he saw the bear emerge from a nearby forest and approach the fox.
VENTURING into the ocean with self-made spears and nets, the fishermen of Zanzibar put their lives on the line when they catch food for their families .
THIS is the EXPLOSIVE moment when a 50 metre high pylon came crashing down to earth in a rural field .
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle .
If you tune into primetime coverage of the 2012 Olympic Games, you’re most likely going to see London’s new Aquatic Center from many angles as athletes from all around the globe compete for the top spot on the podium .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
GETTING behind the camera, this monkey practices his photography skills on his friends .
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
WELCOME to the drawing room that is home to the £100K world’s greatest collection of Margaret Thatcher autographed objects .
A German photographer travelled around Africa where he met and photographed members of tribes in a series of intimate portraits .
These images of vintage cars, bikes and vans, pictured all over the world, could easily have come from a globetrotting petrol-head’s photo album .
TUGGING at his exhausted mum's ears, a beautiful baby orangutan refuses to settle for a nap as he begins a game of peek-a-boo .