A BEAUTIFUL sight for the eyes and the imagination, these liquid sculptures take shape in many different colours and formations. Developing into hundreds of different objects; these sculptures range from umbrellas and lamps to cups and trees. These extraordinary liquid sculptures are the work of Tapan Sheth, 34, from Rajkot, Gujarat, India, after he finally got a set of perfect shots after a lot of trial and error
WE’RE all familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of dogs abandoned in animal shelters, but one photographer has found an innovative way of showcasing the pooch’s personality .
THE THOUGHT OF BECOMING shipwrecked on a remote destination would fill most holidaymakers with dread .
15-foot-long great white sharks on the hunt, in False Bay, South Africa - SHOCK and awe pictures of 15-foot-long great whites on the hunt will leave you stunned .
NEW DELHI, A woman activist of India's main opposition Bharatiya Janata Party crosses a police barricade near the residence of ruling Congress party chief Sonia Gandhi during a protest against the recent rape of a five-year-old girl in New Delhi, India, April 21, 2013 .
These are the amazing close up pictures of North Korea's mass games - after photographers were previously banned from taking shots so close to the dazzling formation dances .
THIS is the incredible moment a pelican throws a fish into the air and SLAM DUNKS it into its enormous throat sack .
With a dust covered coat hung from a wardrobe door and a pair of glasses left on a shelf, a remote farmhouse lies abandoned in the Welsh countryside .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
Like a scene from a fairytale, THOUSANDS of fireflies create an enchanting glow as they dance in a forest .
NOT YOUR everyday selfie, this plucky diver poses with some of the scariest predators in the ocean .
THESE LOVE BIRDS can’t keep their beaks off each other as they share a very public display of affection .
Sprawled out on top of a log, this sleeping leopard takes a relaxing break from his daily routine .