ESCAPING A LANDFILL FUTURE, these amazing science fiction inspired sculptures are made from everyday objects. From robots to insects, the electronic figures are compiled from a collection of old household electrical items. The creative robotic sculptures were made by American graphic designer and photographer Larry Wong, of Pomona, California, after his fascination with electronics led him to create these complicated robots. The 38 year old, who calls his creations 'Mechanoids', says: “I take junk that would otherwise go into a landfill and turn it into art."
SPLASHING around in a paddling pool, this little elephant soaks up the sunshine .
A rare manuscript of one of Charlotte Bronte’s earliest poems went under the hammer today and fetched nearly £100,000 – double what it was expected to get .
SAT with his arms folded and a cross look on his face, this Gorilla looks like he's had enough of the Christmas holidays already .
A family of foster carers are facing bankruptcy and homelessness after they signed up to a Government scheme to renovate their house to be used for disabled children's short breaks .
WITH his spiked ears and yellow and blue body, a colourful monkey bears an uncanny resemblance to Marvel Comics’ Wolverine .
FLEXING his muscles and staring straight at his opponent, this bodybuilding squirrel is the nuts .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle .
Families in an Indian slum put their lives on the line by living on top of an ACTIVE railway track .
AN EXERCISING turtle and an ice-skating chick are hardly everyday exploits in the animal community .
From vivid greens to glowing pinks, the colours of the aurora borealis fill the night sky above a snow covered Lapland .
Pic By HotSpot Media - GAME, SET-TEE AND MATCH: COUPLE INSTALL TENNIS COURT IN LOUNGE- In Pic - Ben Walters’ message to West Midlands Police via social media .