Meet mother of four, Jackie Wright, whose bizarre fear means she is terrified of HOLES. For most people, having a shower in the morning is an easy task - but it sends Jackie, 45, into a cold sweat. The part time check out assistant is so petrified of clusters of holes that even the thought of holding a sponge sends a shiver down her spine - and she is forced to flee the shower if she spots any bubbles floating in the plug hole. Jackie from Wallsend, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, suffers from Trypophobia, a fear of holes that leaves her literally pulling her hair out.
WIDE EYED and staring straight down the lens of the camera, this intrigued seal is ready for his close up .
A pair of chicks bravely decided to befriend a python, despite being the snake's favourite choice of food .
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg .
MASKED intruders look sinister but really they are a gang of urban exploring pranksters .
BLOWING bubbles underwater, this adorable polar bear slides into his tank for a playful dip .
The view from this rooftop pool is sure to make most holidaymakers envious .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
A world's first restaurant has opened in Canada, where having your order fall on deaf ears is a good thing .
Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol .
One sheepdog is taking a well-deserved rest after giving birth to a whole WHEELBARROW-FUL of puppies .
SNOWBOARDING in your £2,000 wedding dress sounds like a nightmare for most brides .
For years Jeorgia Woodd, 30, abused her body, having succumbed to a condition known as 'diabulimia' .