Meet mother of four, Jackie Wright, whose bizarre fear means she is terrified of HOLES. For most people, having a shower in the morning is an easy task - but it sends Jackie, 45, into a cold sweat. The part time check out assistant is so petrified of clusters of holes that even the thought of holding a sponge sends a shiver down her spine - and she is forced to flee the shower if she spots any bubbles floating in the plug hole. Jackie from Wallsend, Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, suffers from Trypophobia, a fear of holes that leaves her literally pulling her hair out.
A woman who battled aggressive bowel cancer has started a fashion blog offering style tips for those living with a colostomy bag .
Growing up, Jasmine Price, now four, loved watching her older sister, Mia Price, now 10, compete in beauty pageants .
FEAST your eyes on the £500K coin-covered Range Rover that could be the world’s most blinged-out car .
YOU’VE heard of the northern lights now feast your eyes on the natural wonder of the SOUTHERN lights .
AN EXERCISING turtle and an ice-skating chick are hardly everyday exploits in the animal community .
An Indonesian farmer is dragged through muddy water as he clings to the tails of two charging cows .
A SERENE turquoise glow glimmers from underneath these powerful icebergs .
A scoliosis sufferer was heartbroken to learn surgery would stop her dancing - but she battled through the pain to complete her GCSE dance exams and earn A* .
THESE are the Disney Princesses you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley .
A restaurant famed for creating the 3lb cheeseburger has unveiled its latest culinary challenge – the largest chilli cheese hotdog in Europe .
A mum-of-three lost 10 stone after her son asked if she was pregnant .
BOXING DAY has come early for this pair of feisty squirrels, as their Christmas party quickly turns sour .