BRITISH kingfishers love to cool off by creating a splash. During the sizzling summer days these kings of the river enjoy hunting for fish AND indulge in a dip at the same time. Stunning pictures show how the charismatic kingfisher dive bombs at speeds of up to 25-miles-per hour to catch their little fish prey. Pre-press operator Mark Bridger, 44, from West Malling in Kent took to the pictures while he was out rambling in the countryside. There are between 5,000 to 8,000 breeding pairs of kingfishers living in Britain at any one time. They live in the whole of the British Isles except west Ireland, the Outer Hebrides and the edge of northwest Scotland
A little brown bear cub shows his doting mum that she is always on parent duty as he uses her as a scratching post .
THIS DANGER-mad female pensioner could be the oldest Brit to cage dive with CROCODILES .
MESMERIZING night sky photographs offer a spellbinding look at the stars .
WELCOME to the 125 decibel boombox bus that could damage your hearing if you party too close to its giant speakers .
AN EXERCISING turtle and an ice-skating chick are hardly everyday exploits in the animal community .
The gunslingers are long gone and tumbleweeds have taken over at this abandoned American Wild West Theme Park in Cornwall .
Soldiers standing guard outside the Woolwich barracks in London - Two terror suspects are under armed guard in separate hospitals in London after a serving soldier was hacked to death in the street .
Posh pooch owners are lapping their pets up in luxury by paying £1,500 for 22ct gold lined fine china DOG BOWLS .
A blanket of fog is lit up by the colourful glowing lights of the city below .
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
Working at a height of 36,000ft, pilots may have the best view in the world .