Beautiful turquoise waves rise and fall in a series of stunning images taken along the coastline of south-eastern Australia. For the last three years Australian photographer Warren Keelan has been venturing into the ocean to shoot waves off the coast of New South Wales. The 39-year-old, of Wollongong, New South Wales, began his project because he wanted to capture the unpredictability of nature. Warren says: “I’ve always had a fascination with nature, especially the ocean.
ARM extended and head flung back, this little chipmunk performs a loose-limbed yoga move .
A makeup artist from the West Midlands magically transforms herself into famous cartoon characters using body paint .
FROM ICE bubbles to boiling lava, these photographs highlight the stunning shapes and patterns found in nature .
football club has scored an own goal after it had to embarrassingly rename its stadium in honour of the DEVIL .
A man who developed anorexia as a teen has told that dying for 20 minutes helped shock him into recovery .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
A COUNCIL has come under fire for slapping fines on people’s GRAVESTONES for breaching petty regulations on pot plants .
Suspended FIFTY metres in the air, this is the last place that you would expect to find a fine dining experience .
CAUSING a splash, this determined kingfisher goes hunting for dinner .
A Canadian photographer has captured crystal clear mirror images of Toronto's architecture reflected in puddles - simply by using his iPhone .
A woman has lost a massive 15st after beating her addiction to cheese .