A curious clownfish peaks through the tentacles of a sea anemone. The fish was sneaking around the reefs of Wakatobi, a national marine park, south of the island of Sulawesi, of Indonesia. The colourful underwater scene bears a striking resemblance to the hit Pixar animation, Finding Nemo, about a missing clownfish.
AN American accountant has grown the world's biggest MELON and smashed his way into the record books with his mammoth 350 .
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
Made up of 40,000 pieces, putting in over 200 hours of work and blunting endless blades, this is the final result for the world’s largest jigsaw, finally finished on Wednesday .
A mum who has hid behind the hair loss condition alopecia for the last 20 years has bravely revealed a secret compulsion to tear out her own hair that has tormented her since she was a child .
WITH SNOW COVERING the ground around them, these two polar bears play fight .
Sarah Gould, before weight loss Mum told "get down the gym fatty" -A 20 stone woman who was told "get down the gym fatty" on a night out has shed a third of her weight in time for her dream wedding .
THIS alien-like bug would look more at home in outer-space but it can actually be found wriggling around here on Earth .
ROLLING across a 65-metre-high viaduct in the Alps, the red carriages of the Bernina Express add a splash of colour to the spectacular snow-covered Swiss surroundings .
From giant mountains to vast deserts, an American photographer spent a year capturing the diverse and beautiful landscape of the United States .
Swirling water and sand create amazing aerial images of river deltas across Iceland .
FIFTEEEN years after it was closed pictures by a British teacher show the calamity Hong Kong airport that was closed for being too dangerous .