VIBRANT bursts of colour fill the screen as beautiful flowers blossom in these time-lapse videos. Ten hours of footage is sped up into 20 captivating seconds, featuring petals opening and blooming. The fascinating videos were created by retired software company owner Greg Krehel as a way to show the blossoming of the Echinopsis cactus in all its glory. The 58-year-old, of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida, says: ‘One of my sons works in the videography field and he made a series of time-lapse videos, seeing them gave me the idea to try this technique with cactus flowers.
SITTING in the middle of a vast desert, an abandoned cinema is still waiting for its first movie to be screened .
FROM ICE bubbles to boiling lava, these photographs highlight the stunning shapes and patterns found in nature .
They say breakfast is the most important meal of the day and for this greedy camel he can't get enough of his morning feed, as he gate crashes his owner's mealtime .
A BIKINI swim with jellyfish sounds like the most painful past-time on the planet .
A young mum has told how a phantom pregnancy almost destroyed her dream of having a second child .
ALL IS not as it seems in these deceptive cityscapes .
A woman who was cyberstalked before being shot and paralysed by her ex-husband is campaigning to raise awareness for stalking victims .
A host of websites that are almost twenty years old are collecting a cult following thanks to their retro appeal .
A mum has celebrated each of her four pregnancies with a host of wacky stunts - including acrobatics, aerial contortion, pole-dancing and risque photo shoots .
This longhorn beetle demon-strates a dark side as it looks just like the devil .
A BRITISH couple are the first to tie the knot inside an enormous GLACIER in Iceland .
A soldier who lost both legs and an arm in Afghanistan has found love with a blonde bombshell he met through his newfound passion for rally driving .