SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break. But this amazing outdoor bedroom allows you to do just that, as you spend the night under the stars. The unusual outdoor resort, named Loisaba, is located in Laikipia County, Kenya, and lets guests enjoy a unique outdoor experience - open to all the elements. Home to two sets of outdoor locations, the aptly named ‘star beds’ are wooden huts raised twelve steps off the ground, and each include a bed, seating area, small wash room and wardrobe.
Struggling home entertainment chain Blockbuster has been slammed for advertising its workers' jobs while they are still in them in order to scare them into working harder .
An Australian explorer has travelled the globe with a toy pig, known as Travel Piggy, in search of a missing cuddly companion .
A miracle baby born with half-a-heart will make this Mother's Day extra special for her mum - as she was given just 24 hours to live .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
A middle spotted woodpecker swoops into her nest and feeds her young in a forest in Trentino, Italy .
From a floating jelly fish to a relaxed seal, Britain’s unappreciated beach life is captured above and below the water .
HUDDLED together on a branch, a pair of adorable Javan scops owls soak up the sun .
WEARING tiny Christmas accessories, these adorable babies get into the spirit of the season .
Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters .
BASKING in smug satisfaction, a confident squirrel gives a wink to the camera .
A scorned woman sparked a punch-up in an airport after she caught her copper boyfriend returning from a romantic holiday with a female police officer .
JUDGE BLASTED FOR LETTING PAEDO WALK FREE A PERVERT who sexually assaulted two young girls on an allotment, telling them he was brushing spiders off them, has walked free from court – because jailing him was ‘unfair’ on his family .