A couple have got engaged after the bride-to-be’s boyfriend set her a Facebook ‘likes’ challenge. Rhys Green, 23, told his girlfriend of seven months, Hannah Tolley, 25, that if 489 people ‘liked’ her Facebook post, he would propose. Further terms included Hannah amassing 499 comments and 500 shares. With the help of Facebook users from around the world, full-time mum-of-one Hannah smashed her target and Rhys – who says he felt a ‘moral obligation’ to honour the challenge – promptly proposed. Now the Kidderminster couple are busy planning their wedding, which they plan to livestream on Facebook as a way to thank everyone who ‘liked’ their post.
A woman who was cruelly called ‘tumour girl’ by bullies has finally found love.
From vibrant blues to dazzling oranges, these eye catching hummingbirds proudly show off their impressive colours.
15-foot-long great white sharks on the hunt, in False Bay, South Africa - SHOCK and awe pictures of 15-foot-long great whites on the hunt will leave you stunned.
The family of a disabled boy who died in a tragic accident at a care home have received a four figure payout after an inquest heard carers allowed him to fall rather than restrain him because of "health and safety" fears.
A little boy was left fighting for his life in hospital after a horrific allergic reaction to epilepsy medication made his skin fall off in chunks.
PILES of trash provide a living for thousands in Nairobi, Kenya.
A couple celebrated their 70th wedding anniversary last week and have received a special card from newly crowned King Charles and Queen Camilla.
BALANCING on top of a tree, this bear cub puts her climbing skills to the test.
Pic By Graham Gibson/ HotSpot Media - SHARK HYPNOTIST BALANCES SHARK IN PALM OF HIS HAND- In Pic - Diver Tom and Caribbean reef sharks in the Bahamas- A SHARK hypnotist balances these predators in the palm of his hand by sending them to sleep with a gentle nose rub.
A woman who was cyberstalked before being shot and paralysed by her ex-husband is campaigning to raise awareness for stalking victims.
SAILING over crystal clear waters, the Bajau people of Malaysia live their lives almost entirely at SEA.