A hungry hippo is seconds away from catching a bird in its gigantic jaws. The hippo, half-submerged in a lake, spots the egret sitting on a branch in the water, but the lucky bird flies out of sight and off the lunch menu. British photographer David Driver captured the shot in Lake Mburo in Uganda, Africa. The 57-year-old, of Oakworth, West Yorkshire, says: ‘The egret managed to escape moments before the hippo got to him, and so the disappointed beast sank back under the water, clearly unimpressed!’.
A BROWN bear wades through waters in Alaska and waits for his lunch .
A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN .
FLYING through the air, these delighted pooches pull their best poses mid-flight .
An adorable baby girl was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on her forehead - after being conceived on Valentine's Day .
This Robin Reliant appears to have taken a wrong turn after it ended up 15 feet high up in a TREE .
A BABY-faced burglar is starting a seven year stretch in custody after being nabbed by a Jaffa Cake .
A mum-of-two has revealed how she accidentally set her face on fire while lighting a cigarette .
A woman has been left unable to smile after undergoing emergency surgery to remove infected lip fillers .
Beautiful turquoise waves rise and fall in a series of stunning images taken along the coastline of south-eastern Australia .
Southern England, the south-west and west Wales have been warned to expect more wild weather, with heavy rain and high tides possibly leading to coastal flooding and travel disruption over the weekend .
CAMPED out in the middle of a forest, these unusual hut hotels take you back to basics .
A LUXURY baby cot has hit the shelves with a price tag just shy of 10 MILLION POUNDS .