ONCE A doctor’s surgery, family home and office, an array of medical equipment is scattered throughout this abandoned home. This multi-functional house, believed to have belonged to a doctor and his family, has slowly been concealed by dust, having been left to decay for over a decade. This abandoned house was photographed by French photographer Matti Decaux, who searched high and low to find the property in Virton, Belgium.
A teacher has told how she was attacked by a murderer on her way home from a night out but courageously managed to charm him out of strangling her .
LIKE SUPERMAN carrying a slimy Lois Lane through the air this frog is treating its mate to a flying lesson .
RECORD BREAKING GRAN'S COLLECTION OF NEARLY 800 SHEEP HOTSPOT MEDIA – WITH PICS 0121 551 1004 By Katie Thompson A record-breaking baa-rmy gran with a love for sheep has amassed a collection of nearly 800 woolly wonders .
A weightlifter has lost a whopping 12st after swapping biscuits for biceps .
An adorable little squirrel wakes from a nap and pops out his tongue for the camera .
THIS is the incredible moment a pelican throws a fish into the air and SLAM DUNKS it into its enormous throat sack .
A Kermit the Frog toy made famous by travelling the world is still globehopping, having racked up an incredible 420,000 kilometres to some of the world's furthest flung places .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
HIDDEN in the middle of the Mojave Desert, a secret oasis awaits intrepid travellers .
SHOVELLING food into his mouth, this hungry gorilla enjoys a peaceful moment at dinner time .
Full of tired and busy commuters, these underground stations are rarely admired for their architecture or beauty .
FLEXING his muscles and staring straight at his opponent, this bodybuilding squirrel is the nuts .