LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost. By jumping 30-feet across the ocean and slamming its 12-foot-long body into the waves up to 20-times this newly-born whale calf is communicating with the adults of its group to help keep up in the open water. According to British biologist and dive guide Justin Hart, 44, despite being just a few months old this baby sperm whale is using its body to create a slamming sound which travels in the water to the ears of the adults when they disappear deep under the ocean. Justin, from London and now living on Pico Island in the Azores, captured the rare image four-miles from the port of Lajes do Pico, while he was working as a crewman on an underwater documentary with special licence to shoot sperm whales in this area. Sperm whales are a vulnerable species of marine mammal that live in nearly all the world's oceans
SURROUNDED by a snowstorm, these young polar bears battle the elements - as well as each other .
EAGERLY BITING his nails, this little squirrel is clearly nervous of looming predators as he searches for his meal .
AN Irish woman has become the first adult in the world to receive a revolutionary REMOTE CONTROLLED 'ROBO SPINE', which uses magnets to combat the effects of scoliosis .
THE UK’S STRONGEST SCHOOLGIRL attributes her success to the bendy-body condition that once left her body wracked in pain .
A pair of chicks bravely decided to befriend a python, despite being the snake's favourite choice of food .
The claws come out at meal time as a group of white tailed eagles brawl over road-kill .
An American black bear mimics John Travolta’s famous Saturday Night Fever dance move by hurling its arm in the air .
Pouncing down on top of his twin brother, these two snow leopard cubs practice their kung-fu moves .
WELCOME to what could be the world's tallest TOTALLY wooden construction .
THIS ONE of a kind experience brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'a coffee to go' .
SITTING on a burning sofa unable to move, one man turns his terrifying dreams into reality .
A couple celebrated tying the knot with a spectacular Alice in Wonderland-themed wedding reception .