Something appears to have tickled this baby owl as he seems to be having a real HOOT. Amateur photographer Conrad Tan caught the tiny Saw-whet owl having a right old TWIT-TER to himself while snapping a family of owls in the hills of a small town called Moraga, 30 miles east of San Francisco. Conrad, 42, an electrical engineer from San Jose, California, heard reports that two baby owls had been sighted in a nesting box in the town so headed out with his camera to see if he could catch the perfect shot. Mr Tan waited for hours for the birds to finally come out of their hiding place and eventually they began to hop around on the branches when, all of a sudden, one of them appeared to crease up with laughter
Ever wished you could live in a house just like Barbie's? Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building .
A former chocolate addict, who used to gobble more than a THOUSAND bars a year, has shed an astonishing 10st after giving up her favourite treats .
The sun is finally out, bringing a smile to many people’s faces – including this cute little dormouse’s! Grinning from ear to ear, this tiny dormouse appears to have been tickled by something as it clambered up this flower, basking in the sunshine, whilst having a little laugh to himself .
A woman has spent over £11k to get the perfect body after a 9st weight loss left her with excess skin .
With their guts spewing and eyes hanging out, these are the cuddly toys children might be reluctant to curl up to .
A psychology student from California looks so much like Game of Thrones' Jon Snow that he is mobbed by fans of the fantasy show .
Fishermen in Myanmar have perfected an unusual fishing technique by carefully balancing on one leg .
A mother-of-four has revealed how her daughter tragically took her own life after being subjected to horrific abuse at the hands of her ex-partner .
An owl swoops through the air before making an unorthodox landing - right on top of an unsuspecting man's head .
AS graffiti goes, this giant mural of a sweet little girl tenderly watering a tree beneath her is a far cry from what you usually see emblazoned across cities .