COVERING themselves in ash and face paint, these are the holy men who live their lives away from everyday society. Known as sadhus, they shun all home comforts for a life spent inside caves, forests and temples and can be found across India and Nepal. German banker and photographer Mario Gerth decided to find and photograph the sadhu people. The 38-year-old of Erfurt, Germany, says: “I have been obsessed with the sadhus for many years and set off in 2013 to look for them.
COULD this £5,000 auction of Paul McCartney’s Liverpool front door be the most bizarre celebrity sale yet? The door, which looks-like it may have been knocked – and possibly kicked – very hard during its past, was used by members of Britain’s most famous band to visit lead-singer Paul McCartney when he lived at the address from 1955 to 1964 .
Gigantic 100ft waves create the perfect playground for dare-devil surfers from across the world .
CLIMBING, falling and tugging on his weary mum, this little orangutan is up to all kinds of trouble .
A once bustling gold rush town in Mono County, California now stands completed deserted .
A little boy aged FIVE bravely delivered his newborn brother - then promptly saved his life .
CAMPED out in the middle of a forest, these unusual hut hotels take you back to basics .
A kingfisher’s bright blue and orange feathers glisten in the sunlight as the bird dives into a lake .
It’s a role reversal in the Visayan Sea as HUNDREDS of tiny, glistening eggs are carried around inside the mouth of their cardinalfish father .
An adorable baby girl was born with a heart-shaped birthmark on her forehead - after being conceived on Valentine's Day .
The Royal Mail moggy, who is now facing eviction from the premises – MEET the Royal Mail moggy facing eviction from the sorting room by an ‘elf n’ safety diktat .