These are the men with one of the most unpleasant jobs in the world. The sulphur miners, pictured in East Java, Indonesia, risk their lives every day. Mining sulphur inside the crater of the Ijen volcano, they inhale clouds of toxic smoke and work tirelessly for 12 hours a day. Russian photographer Gleb Tarro, 43, of San Diego, California, travelled to the volcano and witnessed the men at work.
Bathers on a New Zealand beach stripped naked and took to the Pacific Ocean in an attempt to shatter the record for the world's largest skinny dip .
A shoe designer from London has spent a whopping £30,000 on Hello Kitty memorabilia .
SQUABBLING over the last piece of grain, these hungry squirrels are determined to stock up on as much food as possible .
A KITTEN'S teaparty and rat's playing dominoes are the bizarre creations by one of Britain's great eccentrics pictured in an incredible new book .
LEAF-ing much to the imagination, this camera trickery is blooming marvellous .
Meet the dog-loving woman who spends £20k a year looking after her 30 pet PUGS .
A former size 30 comfort-eater ditched her husband and lost over 10st after he called her a 'fat cow' .
A woman has lost a massive 15st after beating her addiction to cheese .
WITH a paw in the air and his tongue hanging from his mouth, it is clear to see that this little groundhog is struggling to wake up and leave behind the comfort of his burrow .
Balanced on one leg, a frog assumes the crane kick martial arts stance made famous in the movie The Karate Kid .
High street giant Harvey Nichols has come under fire for a "disgusting" ad campaign that depicts a woman peeing herself .