FOR TWO memory-impaired parents their new-born baby Cian is a living timekeeper. Brave new parents Louise and Geraint Jones from Llantrisant in South Wales, both suffered severe head-injuries that left them with the long-term brain damage and severe memory loss that changed their lives forever. Louise, 29, and Geraint’s long-term memories are poor and their short-term memory is limited to around 24-hours. Geraint, 28, has a memory so short he relies on reminders he sets on his phone to help him complete simple everyday tasks.
From a floating jelly fish to a relaxed seal, Britain’s unappreciated beach life is captured above and below the water.
SHOWING off her best assets for the camera, this cheeky orangutan is in the mood for love, puckering up her lips to blow the biggest kiss she can.
Pouncing down on top of his twin brother, these two snow leopard cubs practice their kung-fu moves.
Made up of 40,000 pieces, putting in over 200 hours of work and blunting endless blades, this is the final result for the world’s largest jigsaw, finally finished on Wednesday.
LEAF-ing much to the imagination, this camera trickery is blooming marvellous.
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters.
From squids to Star Wars, these flipping marvellous creations are pancake portraits.
SOME OF the sea’s most terrifying creatures show their softer side as they join a group of diners for lunch.
FLEXING his muscles and staring straight at his opponent, this bodybuilding squirrel is the nuts.
STARING eagerly into the camera, this little toad is full of curiosity.