In the calm waters of Greenland, gigantic icebergs dwarf everything around them. Over the course of hundreds of years, these behemoths have grown into their own unique shape and size. The natural beauty of the icebergs, some the size of a 15 story building, was captured by American photographer Michael J Quinn, 49, on a three day expedition in Scoresby Sund, Eastern Greenland. 'Nothing prepares you for the scale of this place and the scale of the ice,' says Michael, of Fort Collins, Colorado.
Kelly Harvey, 30 and new boyfriend Ryan Archbold -A bereaved wife once voted Mum Of The Year has been convicted of benefit fraud after claiming widow's allowance long after her new partner had moved in .
A lively lemon shark grins into the camera and showcases his impressive teeth .
A woman has revealed how she didn’t know she was pregnant until she saw her baby’s head crowning .
FOR someone who hates milk, pensioner Steve Wheeler has got an udder-lot of it - nearly 20,000 bottles in fact .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - EVANDER HOLYFIELD VISITS SICK KIDS: Evander Holyfield in Birmingham children's hospital, where he was giving presents to sick kids .
GETTING behind the camera, this monkey practices his photography skills on his friends .
A former cosmetic rep who swapped make-up for a career as a Marilyn Monroe lookalike has pocketed a staggering $4million (£2,630,000) as a full-time doppelgänger .
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea .
A unique business in Birkenhead, Merseyside is sure to leave you HALF-CUT with its unusual pub and barbers combination .
A little brown bear cub shows his doting mum that she is always on parent duty as he uses her as a scratching post .
A woman has taken her house back in time - by spending £10,000 to transform it into her Victorian dream home .