A shameless internet troll, who targets young girls online for fun, has slammed victims of cyber-bulling as WEAK. Self-confessed troll Lee Stewart, 24, has been banned from Facebook THIRTY-FIVE TIMES and has little sympathy for his online targets. The unemployed troll from Blackburn even claims tragic cyber bullying victim Hannah Smith was weak and has described a Canadian teenager, who killed herself following online abuse, as a SLUT. In the last 18 months, Amanda Todd, 15, of British Columbia and Hannah Smith, 14, of Lutterworth, Leicestershire killed themselves after reading cruel taunts online. Amanda hung herself after a troll circulated a topless photo of her on Facebook, while Hannah committed suicide after months of bullying on anonymous social networking site Ask.fm. Unrepentant Lee says: “Cyber-bulling doesn’t exist and Amanda Todd was a slut. People can walk away from their computers at any time.
Meet mother of four, Jackie Wright, whose bizarre fear means she is terrified of HOLES .
DINING under the stars, this restaurant takes you back in time - inside an ancient cave .
A WIMBLEDON-mad couple will be creating a racket this summer - after installing a TENNIS COURT in their living room .
A Little owl looks down the lens of a camera and gives the photographer a cheeky wink .
High street giant Harvey Nichols has come under fire for a "disgusting" ad campaign that depicts a woman peeing herself .
MEET the underwater British seal who is so friendly he loves to grapple divers like a friendly puppy dog .
JUDGE BLASTED FOR LETTING PAEDO WALK FREE A PERVERT who sexually assaulted two young girls on an allotment, telling them he was brushing spiders off them, has walked free from court – because jailing him was ‘unfair’ on his family .
Commuters were put in a HOLE lot of trouble after trains were cancelled by a hole created by BADGERS .
Gabrielle Dale, 26, was subjected to seven years of coercive control and physical abuse at the hands of her violent boyfriend Sean Owen, 29 .
Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg .
LIKE SUPERMAN carrying a slimy Lois Lane through the air this frog is treating its mate to a flying lesson .