WITH A wide smile plastered across his face, this little gecko is ready for his close up. The smiley tokay gecko was photographed by photographer Angi Wallace in her home in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. The 47-year-old says: “I placed this gecko on a branch deliberately to take some photographs. “He has the cutest face, however if I wave my hand near him he opens his mouth as a form of defensive behaviour.
An Italian photographer travelled to the highlands of New Guinea where he met an Indonesian tribe untouched by the modern world .
A woman was left fighting for her life after an eczema wound became infected and caused a deadly flesh-eating bug to ravish a hole in her arm .
A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook .
A diabetic who was addicted to energy drinks has lost 8st after doctors warned her habit was blinding her .
STAIRWAY obsessed photographers have captured psychedelic shots that will mesmerise you .
RAISING his flipper, this two day old seal pup gives a wave to the camera .
AN expectant mum suffered crippling contractions lasting a gruelling two months, due to complications from a rare condition .
WITH a paw in the air and his tongue hanging from his mouth, it is clear to see that this little groundhog is struggling to wake up and leave behind the comfort of his burrow .
A little boy aged FIVE bravely delivered his newborn brother - then promptly saved his life .
A brave leopard kicks back and relaxes in the sunshine - just inches from an enormous crocodile .
WELCOME to the 125 decibel boombox bus that could damage your hearing if you party too close to its giant speakers .