THESE are the Disney Princesses you wouldn't want to run into in a dark alley. The shadowy street art turns Snow White into Snow Fright, Sleeping Beauty into Creeping Beauty and Cinderella into Cinder-HELL-a. Put together by a Swedish anonymous artist, who goes by the name of Herr. Nilsson, he manages to turn some of Disney's most loved characters into pure-evil.”There is a lot of creativity in the toy and entertainment industry for children,” said Herr. Nilsson.
THESE kingfishers prove no rod is needed as they go fishing for their dinner .
FROM the rolling hills of the Scottish highlands to looming chalk cliffs in Sussex, these stunning photographs capture the spectacular beauty of Great Britain .
Scurrying along the branch of a tree, a little squirrel pushes a pram packed full of Easter treats .
WELCOME to the pretty 122-inch-tall red dwelling that lays claim to the title of the UK's smallest house .
A floating market in Indonesia is bursting with vibrant colours as wooden rowing boats loaded with fruit and vegetables crowd the river .
PEACE and love filled the 1980’s Glastonbury fields as relaxed festival goers kicked back and soaked up the atmosphere .
A young orangutan comes over all shy as she hides her face behind a broken bucket .
Dogs catch waves at the Coronado Bay dog surf championships Saturday 22nd June 2013- DOG SURFING mutts have never looked so gnarly .
Lying angelically with a range of expressions etched on their tiny faces, little bundles of joy are innocently captured in their first few days in these adorable photographs .
A little clownfish opens its mouth to reveal a blood sucking intruder living on its tongue .
WRAPPED up in classy headscarves, these adorable pooches are the picture of sophistication .
A Hereford woman has lost 10st 3lbs after ditching her £260-a-month takeaway habit .