A British jewellery designer with a passion for London's iconic Gherkin has created a pen with an INK-REDIBLE price tag of £27,500. Designed in homage to one of the capital's most famous modern buildings, the diamond and gold writing instrument costs the same as a one-bedroom flat in Yorkshire. But the eye-watering price tag has failed to deter well-heeled shoppers at Harrods where they are currently being snapped up. Birmingham designer Jack Row crafted the pen, which is encrusted with 76 diamonds and is made with 18 carat white gold. Jack, 26, said the pen was good value.He said: "It's an awful lot of money to spend on a pen but, with the amount of work and the quality of the materials, consumers are actually getting good value for money. "Believe it or not, there are people prepared to pay a lot of money for luxury items - the irony is I can't afford one of these pens myself." Jack works out of Birmingham's famous Jewellery Quarter having graduated from Birmingham City University's prestigious School of Jewellery three years ago.
ROLLING up snow in its tiny paws, this little squirrel is looking for a snowball fight .
A dog was SOW close to death after she dangerously swallowed a two-inch NEEDLE-Cute Shih Tzu Daisy could have pierced her intestines after eating the long needle and thread after finding it on the carpet .
A world's first restaurant has opened in Canada, where having your order fall on deaf ears is a good thing .
JUDGE BLASTED FOR LETTING PAEDO WALK FREE A PERVERT who sexually assaulted two young girls on an allotment, telling them he was brushing spiders off them, has walked free from court – because jailing him was ‘unfair’ on his family .
An owl swoops through the air before making an unorthodox landing - right on top of an unsuspecting man's head .
WITH STUNNING colours and serene scenes, these photographs capture the otherworldly beauty of the English coast .
GETTING behind the camera, this monkey practices his photography skills on his friends .
A single woman, who was granted IVF funding on the NHS, finally has a baby after suffering three miscarriages .
T least three people have been killed and more than 100 injured, some seriously, in two explosions at the finish line of the Boston Marathon .
MASKED intruders look sinister but really they are a gang of urban exploring pranksters .
CONTRASTING settings reveal some of England’s most beautiful landscapes in all their glory .