A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook. Cindy Gauthier, 31, and Jean-Nicola Barile, 33, teamed up with Blushing Bride Studio to recreate some of the most memorable scenes from the 2004 romance, starring Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams. The film, which celebrates its ten year anniversary later this month, is a personal favourite of Cindy, who shares an uncanny resemble to its star.
A group of whale sharks gather to feed underneath a fisherman’s boat off the coast of Papua, Indonesia.
COULD this £5,000 auction of Paul McCartney’s Liverpool front door be the most bizarre celebrity sale yet? The door, which looks-like it may have been knocked – and possibly kicked – very hard during its past, was used by members of Britain’s most famous band to visit lead-singer Paul McCartney when he lived at the address from 1955 to 1964.
A carefree bear cub reclines in the water with his feet raised in the air.
Housands of cushions handmade as gifts for Olympics athletes may go to waste after London 2012 KNITWITS stitched up volunteers by refusing to allow them to hand them out.
ESCAPING A LANDFILL FUTURE, these amazing science fiction inspired sculptures are made from everyday objects.
SURROUNDED by divers, a hungry green sea turtle enjoys being the centre of attention.
A woman who was cruelly called ‘tumour girl’ by bullies has finally found love.
With stunning scenery and otherworldly vistas, Iceland’s rural beauty is inescapable – especially for Hollywood.
AN ARRAY of colours, from pinks to blues and oranges, fill the night sky to create an amazing collection of interstellar patterns.
An obese woman has lost 9st after an addiction to junk food left her £1.
HOTSPOT MEDIA - EVANDER HOLYFIELD VISITS SICK KIDS: Evander Holyfield in Birmingham children's hospital, where he was giving presents to sick kids.