A young woman who once weighed the same as 12-year-old girl has told how a severely malnourished cat helped save her life and beat her anorexia.At 6ft tall, Ashley Ransley weighed just 7st 10lbs when she rescued a stray kitten that had wandered onto her family's property.Ashley, now 25, had battled with anorexia since the age of 20 and in 2008, following years of failed treatments, had resigned herself to a slow suicide from the tragic eating disorder.However, the chance encounter with the little ginger kitten - which turned out to be a fully grown, but extremely malnourished cat - helped turn her life around.In nursing the animal, which she named Riley, back to health, Ashley found she was also able to heal herself of the mental illness that had haunted her since starting high school
An adorable black bear cub struggles to find the perfect spot for an afternoon nap as he wriggles around on the branch of a maple tree .
A woman who left a fellow nightclubber needing plastic surgery after savagely biting her on the hand because she was hungry, has been spared prison .
A woman who blew £12k of her student loan on junk food and booze has lost 10st after ditching her unhealthy habits .
A woman has been left unable to smile after undergoing emergency surgery to remove infected lip fillers .
A Canadian couple celebrated their engagement by recreating iconic moments from the film The Notebook .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - WAVE-ING GOODBYE TO RUSH HOUR: WHILE most workers endure commuting chaos by road or rail everyday, one entrepreneur has come up with a novel way to get to the office - by KAYAK .
Giancarlo pictured at home during his recovery, wearing his compression garments - A mother-of-three has revealed how her 10-month-old son was severely burnt at nursery .
Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey .
A woman was left shocked after her hunky boyfriend confessed he was actually born a GIRL .
DASHING through the snow, this little stoat is on the lookout for a Christmas feast .
A diver looks like a minnow as she swims alongside a gigantic whale shark, the largest species of fish on the planet .
A woman branded the Jolly Green Giant by SOLE-crushing school bullies for her whopping size nine feet has had the last laugh by opening a shoe shop for big footed girls .