A little clownfish opens its mouth to reveal a blood sucking intruder living on its tongue. The louse-like parasite, which entered through the gills of the small fish, is now so big that its stripy, orange host can barely close its mouth. The unfortunate clownfish was spotted by 44-year-old photographer and law professor Lars Oliver Michaelis in the shallow waters of the Lembeh Strait in North Sulawesi, Indonesia.
A COUNCIL has come under fire for slapping fines on people’s GRAVESTONES for breaching petty regulations on pot plants .
This starling and prairie dog will not back down an inch as they have a fearsome stand-off over who gets to eat a nut .
Sarah Gould, before weight loss Mum told "get down the gym fatty" -A 20 stone woman who was told "get down the gym fatty" on a night out has shed a third of her weight in time for her dream wedding .
An Italian photographer travelled to northern India where he visited poverty stricken suburbs and captured ordinary people in a series of intimate and expressive portraits .
A little brown bear cub shows his doting mum that she is always on parent duty as he uses her as a scratching post .
A man who was stabbed ten times in a frenzied and random attack has told how, two years on, he is too scared to leave his house without his STAB VEST .
Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey .
COURAGEOUS climbers descend 400 metres as they manoeuvre their way through thick walls of ice .
PERCHING on the edge of a flower, these loved-up caterpillars can't resist each other as they enjoy a romantic moment together .
A 20st mum-of-four who was dangerously obese has lost half her body weight after her son drew her as a BLOB at school .
FROM KISSING an alligator on the nose to walking over broken glass, this fearless daredevil is a real life female JACKASS .
Marina Afonina, now 51, from Northampton, met Ioan Budea in 2006 .