Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey. This tense moment was captured on camera by Belgian photographer Johnny Krueger, 52, on a photography trip to Cheetah’s Rock in Toledo, central Spain. Cheetah's Rock is an animal enclosure for endangered species spanning approximately 500 square metres.
SWIMMING in unison, millions of silverside fish dwarf the divers .
HOTSPOT MEDIA - EVANDER HOLYFIELD VISITS SICK KIDS: Evander Holyfield in Birmingham children's hospital, where he was giving presents to sick kids .
ARM extended and head flung back, this little chipmunk performs a loose-limbed yoga move .
Scurrying along the branch of a tree, a little squirrel pushes a pram packed full of Easter treats .
STOLEN £2K BULLDOG REUNITED WITH FAMILY VIA TWITTER - A £2,000 bulldog puppy snatched from her home by burglars has been reunited with her family thanks to Twitter .
A teenage girl nicknamed 'spotty dog' by school bullies has embraced the hundreds of birthmarks that cover her entire face and body .
These are the men with one of the most unpleasant jobs in the world .
SNOWBOARDING in your £2,000 wedding dress sounds like a nightmare for most brides .
An artist has transformed traditional Thanksgiving dinners into mini-masterpieces .
Blonde teen Jess Stubbs has certainly got girl power - as Britain’s youngest TRUCKER .
Kelly Harvey, 30 and new boyfriend Ryan Archbold -A bereaved wife once voted Mum Of The Year has been convicted of benefit fraud after claiming widow's allowance long after her new partner had moved in .
GLAMPING is taken to a whole new level in the form of the luxurious Pop-Up Hotel .