A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN. 24-year-old inventor, Pretom Chakraborty from Edgbaston, Birmingham, designed portable device Cycoped, which he drives without lifting a finger. The fascinating new mode of transport is controlled using electrical impulses released by his brain, which are sent to a smart phone via specially adapted bluetooth goggles. The goggles pick up the brain signals, which are sent to an app on the phone, allowing the user to control the Cycoped.
A mischievous fox cub demonstrates his playful side by biting his sibling’s tail.
A BAMBI was dramatically caught in mid-air by a greedy Nile crocodile in a once-in-a-million flying pincer move.
A HEIGHT-addicted airline pilot has taken pictures of the Dubai from 1,300-feet.
A woman has lost a massive 15st after beating her addiction to cheese.
A woman has celebrated the end of her marriage to her unfaithful husband by throwing herself a DIVORCE PARTY.
Throwing their arms up in the air, these energetic squirrels play a game of ball with a walnut.
An adorable rescue dog who had her eyes gouged out by thugs in Romania has found a loving home in the UK.
Lauren Kilgariff, 29, was with husband, Shaun, 31, for four years.
OFFERING a glimpse into the past, a mash-up of old and new photographs show how the world’s biggest cities have changed.
This starling and prairie dog will not back down an inch as they have a fearsome stand-off over who gets to eat a nut.
When Louise Steen walked down the aisle, she imagined a perfect future with her older hubby – but her life would soon become a living hell.