THESE kingfishers prove no rod is needed as they go fishing for their dinner. With a splash, they dive down into the water to catch their next meal. The photographs were captured by Italian photographer Alessandro Rossini, 33, on the banks of the river Adda in Italy." In these pictures you can see how marvellous nature is,” says Alessandro, of Lissone.
HOTSPOT MEDIA - EVANDER HOLYFIELD VISITS SICK KIDS: Evander Holyfield in Birmingham children's hospital, where he was giving presents to sick kids .
ARM extended and head flung back, this little chipmunk performs a loose-limbed yoga move .
IN a galaxy far, far away, this collection of stunning interstellar formations will leave you STARSTRUCK .
Soldiers standing guard outside the Woolwich barracks in London - Two terror suspects are under armed guard in separate hospitals in London after a serving soldier was hacked to death in the street .
A mum-of-two has revealed how her childhood friend of 20 years attacked her with a cosh and broke her nose in a vicious attack .
A teenage girl has grown back her entire face after being struck down by a rare skin disease .
IN a galaxy not so far away lies a magical display of lights that could be the latest image from NASA .
RECORD BREAKING GRAN'S COLLECTION OF NEARLY 800 SHEEP HOTSPOT MEDIA – WITH PICS 0121 551 1004 By Katie Thompson A record-breaking baa-rmy gran with a love for sheep has amassed a collection of nearly 800 woolly wonders .
Growing up, Jasmine Price, now four, loved watching her older sister, Mia Price, now 10, compete in beauty pageants .
A Little owl looks down the lens of a camera and gives the photographer a cheeky wink .
Going for long rides through vast fields together, this twosome share an unbreakable bond .
Raising his arms above his head and lying flat on his back, a polar bear stretches as he sprawls out across the ice .