The gunslingers are long gone and tumbleweeds have taken over at this abandoned American Wild West Theme Park in Cornwall. The saloon doors last swung open in 2009, and since then all twenty-five of the park's buildings have been deserted. Full of old posters, beverages and themed furniture, the park has remained neglected since its closure five years ago. These eerie Wild West photographs were captured by an urban explorer - who goes by the name Urbex-SW - after he visited the abandoned park located in Cornwall…
This is the crazy art project that is going ballistic - placing a huge squishy 15ft red ball into tight spaces .
For years Jeorgia Woodd, 30, abused her body, having succumbed to a condition known as 'diabulimia' .
A lazy tree frog, tired of hopping along a branch, chooses the slowest form of transport when it jumps on top of an unsuspecting snail .
PUSHING the diver out of his way, this little sea turtle shows he’s not in the mood for photographs .
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN .
NEVER mind being careful not to choke on your food, this mother bird has a bigger challenge on her hands, as her ravenous offspring impatiently launches its head down into her stomach .
A couple have got engaged after the bride-to-be’s boyfriend set her a Facebook ‘likes’ challenge .
A little clownfish opens its mouth to reveal a blood sucking intruder living on its tongue .
With an abandoned tricycle sitting in an empty corridor, this derelict but once grand mansion could be the setting for The Shining .
A woman who suffered from body dysmorphic disorder has overcome her illness by becoming a LINGERIE MODEL .
A woman has shed half her body weight after undergoing a gastric sleeve op to shrink her stomach .