Sophie Carr, 23, from Swindon, was just six when her older brother Alex, then 12, abused her during a game of mummies and daddies. Making her believe that he'd get sick with cancer if she didn't let him, every fortnight, he'd climb on top of her and masturbate himself. In her teens, Alex would harass Sophie with text messages and blackmail her in order to abuse her. After confiding in a boyfriend, aged 20, Sophie reported Alex to the police and in July 2020, Alexandar Carr, now 29, formerly of Dyson Road, Redhouse, Swindon, was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault on a child under 13 and two counts of sexual activity with a child family member at Swindon Crown Court. He was jailed for five years.
A hypnotherapist filmed himself sexually abusing a 19-year-old patient while she was in a trance-like state .
A young woman who once weighed the same as 12-year-old girl has told how a severely malnourished cat helped save her life and beat her anorexia .
These are the faces of orphans suffering from the horrifying effects of chemical warfare .
With the full moon looming behind him, this polar bear nestles down for the night .
A university graduate who was obsessed with achieving a thigh gap has told how she shrunk to just 6st after developing anorexia athletica .
A woman has shed half her body weight after undergoing a gastric sleeve op to shrink her stomach .
A lazy tree frog, tired of hopping along a branch, chooses the slowest form of transport when it jumps on top of an unsuspecting snail .
An intrepid photographer travelled to the abandoned ghost town of Bodie in northern California to capture the historic buildings that are trapped in time .
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
A survivor of abuse has bravely waived her anonymity to tell how she was sexually assaulted from the age of nine - by her depraved grandad .
A mother-of-three who weighed almost 16st has revealed how she lost 7 .
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .