Sophie Carr, 23, from Swindon, was just six when her older brother Alex, then 12, abused her during a game of mummies and daddies. Making her believe that he'd get sick with cancer if she didn't let him, every fortnight, he'd climb on top of her and masturbate himself. In her teens, Alex would harass Sophie with text messages and blackmail her in order to abuse her. After confiding in a boyfriend, aged 20, Sophie reported Alex to the police and in July 2020, Alexandar Carr, now 29, formerly of Dyson Road, Redhouse, Swindon, was found guilty of two counts of sexual assault on a child under 13 and two counts of sexual activity with a child family member at Swindon Crown Court. He was jailed for five years.
Posh pooch owners are lapping their pets up in luxury by paying £1,500 for 22ct gold lined fine china DOG BOWLS .
A young mum-to-be who was told she would never fall pregnant due to a rare condition has decided to keep her miracle baby even though his birth could leave her paralysed and in pain forever .
A mum-of-one has revealed how her one-year-old daughter suffered second and third degree burns to 22% of her body after pouring boiling water over herself .
Something appears to have tickled this baby owl as he seems to be having a real HOOT .
CRAZY BEARDS come into their GROWN when they've been twisted and waxed into shape .
CAMPED out in the middle of a forest, these unusual hut hotels take you back to basics .
THIS DANGER-mad female pensioner could be the oldest Brit to cage dive with CROCODILES .
Ornate chandeliers and mahogany panelling give a glimpse into this abandoned building's former glory after it's been left to rot for the past decade .
SQUEEZING their furry faces through a hole in a tree, a trio of curious baby squirrels leave their nest for the first time to explore their surroundings .
VIBRANT bursts of colour fill the screen as beautiful flowers blossom in these time-lapse videos .
A TAXIDERMY truck spotted in America’s Deep South could be the most gruesome wagon on the road .