A hero dog has saved the life of her asthmatic owner after waking her up during a severe asthma attack. Donna Jeffrey, 32, was nuzzled awake by plucky pooch Storm, a five-year-old female German Shepherd, while she was struggling to breathe during an asthma attack - twice in one week. Amazingly, Storm has never been trained as an assistance dog.
Recovering from a rare form of breast cancer, Deborah Barnett, 43, of Stoke-on-Trent, thought she'd made it through the worst, but she was betrayed by former colleague Sandra Ramsay, of Mow Cop Road, Mow Cop, Stoke-on-Trent.
A Crohn's sufferer has told of her humiliation after she soiled herself when a Co-op staff member reportedly refused to let her use the toilet.
A mother-of-one has revealed how a neighbour’s friend ‘mauled’ her face, leaving her scarred for life.
Sarah Gould, before weight loss Mum told "get down the gym fatty" -A 20 stone woman who was told "get down the gym fatty" on a night out has shed a third of her weight in time for her dream wedding.
SITTING quietly at the edge of the lake, these two baby bears watch and learn as the adults hunt for fish.
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea.
A woman whose daughter committed suicide after being raped as a child, has revealed she donated her organs - saving four peoples’ lives.
A man has lost an incredible 20st after his addiction to food left him £15k in debt.
BASKING in smug satisfaction, a confident squirrel gives a wink to the camera.
A BLIND school-girl whose growth has been stunted by a rare medical condition is finding her feet again with the help of a specially made mini-cane.
VENTURING into the ocean with self-made spears and nets, the fishermen of Zanzibar put their lives on the line when they catch food for their families.