SAT happily on the branch of a tree, this little frog appears unfazed by a surprise visitor. The green tree frog was watching the world go by when a butterfly landed on top of its head. The incredible images were captured by Indonesian photographer Muhammad Berkati after he spotted the unusual friendship whilst walking through a meadow in Palangkaraya, Indonesia. The 30-year-old, of Kelua, South Kalimantan, says: ‘I was ecstatic that I got to witness this phenomenon, as it is very rare and not something you’d see every day
FROM KISSING an alligator on the nose to walking over broken glass, this fearless daredevil is a real life female JACKASS .
LEAPING for joy five-feet above the waves this baby whale cutie is saying HELLO to its family after being lost .
Destroyed buildings and overturned cars are seen after a huge tornado struck Moore, Oklahoma, near Oklahoma City, May 20, 2013 .
Complete with core, mantle and crust, these incredible planet cakes are truly out of this world .
ROLLING around in the snow, these young brown bears take a break from their play fight to share a tender hug with one another .
AN ANGRY giraffe gave a bush-riding cyclist a scare when he stomped his £2K bike into the dirt .
A proud gorilla mum welcomes her newborn baby western lowland gorilla, a critically endangered species .
CLIMBING, falling and tugging on his weary mum, this little orangutan is up to all kinds of trouble .
DASHING through the snow, this little stoat is on the lookout for a Christmas feast .
Grandmother Janet Kirby was told she couldn't board her plane home after being accused of assault .
FORGET Thorpe Park this summer as this is a 50 mile-per-hour ride over the Colorado River CANYON .