WITH the phosphorescent blobs and mesmerising patterns, these spectacular images may look like the hall marks of an enchanted forest but it is in fact the scene of thousands of dancing FIREFLIES. The luminous green lights that glow from the insects help to give the impression of an extract from a fairy-tale. The magical photographs were taken by photographer Takaaki Ishikawa, 55, on a trip to Nagoya City in Japan. 'Fireflies are very delicate creatures, so it is important to not catch or disturb them,' said Takaaki
LIKE A living balloon this baitball of sardines is ready to burst when threatened by a pointy nosed sailfish .
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .
THIS is the incredible moment a pelican throws a fish into the air and SLAM DUNKS it into its enormous throat sack .
COURAGEOUS CLIMBERS scale frozen waterfalls in Canada, as the ice threatens to collapse beneath them .
Gigantic 100ft waves create the perfect playground for dare-devil surfers from across the world .
These are the men with one of the most unpleasant jobs in the world .
Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey .
Sam Notaro built his own flood defences to protect his four-bedroom home in Moorland, Somerset Flooding is likely to get worse around Somerset as groundwater levels continue to rise .
While often referred to as the kings of the jungle, gorillas - for all their might - are notorious hydrophobes .
Destroyed buildings and overturned cars are seen after a huge tornado struck Moore, Oklahoma, near Oklahoma City, May 20, 2013 .
With their guts spewing and eyes hanging out, these are the cuddly toys children might be reluctant to curl up to .
HUNDREDS of colour coordinated yarns lie abandoned in this once thriving textile mill .