HIDDEN in the middle of the Mojave Desert, a secret oasis awaits intrepid travellers. The 11x5ft pool, located in south-eastern California, was built by Austrian visual artist Alfredo Barsuglia. The free retreat includes a solar-powered filter and chlorination system, but visitors face a challenge if they want to take a dip.
CAUSING a splash, this determined kingfisher goes hunting for dinner .
A fox takes a tumble and lands on his head when he tries to fend off a pair of eagles in Japan .
FISTS fly as two gorillas take each other on in a dramatic battle .
SLEEPING within touching distance of wild African animals might not be everyone's idea of a relaxing break .
DINING under the stars, this restaurant takes you back in time - inside an ancient cave .
THESE LOVE BIRDS can’t keep their beaks off each other as they share a very public display of affection .
FIFTEEEN years after it was closed pictures by a British teacher show the calamity Hong Kong airport that was closed for being too dangerous .
WIDE EYED with a huge smile across her face, this little elephant is a picture of happiness .
MEET the little lion of suburbia with a mane that makes him look like a mini-king of the jungle .
THE THOUGHT OF BECOMING shipwrecked on a remote destination would fill most holidaymakers with dread .
TOWERING 65 metres into the sky, this terrifying accent is a dream for climbers .