Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters. The otter takes no prisoners and packs a mean punch as he battles it out with a rival in a war over food and terrority. The clash is captured in great detail and shows the feisty otter raising his arm and swinging for his opponent, who falls back into the water from the force of the knockout Haymaker-style jab to the face. In one picture, you can see his piercing teeth as he prepares to take a razor sharp chunk out of his helpless competitor. Indonesian photographer Monica Anantyowati snapped the amazing shots while on a trip to Gembira Loka Zoological Garden in Indonesia.
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .
Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters .
WITH their robotic movements and pristine uniforms, these are the sexy traffic girls of North Korea that are becoming iconic figures in the secretive state .
WE’RE all familiar with the heart-wrenching pictures of dogs abandoned in animal shelters, but one photographer has found an innovative way of showcasing the pooch’s personality .
This longhorn beetle demon-strates a dark side as it looks just like the devil .
Ever wished you could live in a house just like Barbie's? Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building .
A Romanian photographer has captured the unique patterns of hundreds of human eyes in a series of striking macro shots .
TENNIS was a game made for three according to the first Victorian rule book .
Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey .
An elegant snowy owl spreads her wings and glides effortlessly above the snow covered field .
This hungry white tiger has just one thing on her mind - to taste fresh meat .