Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters. The otter takes no prisoners and packs a mean punch as he battles it out with a rival in a war over food and terrority. The clash is captured in great detail and shows the feisty otter raising his arm and swinging for his opponent, who falls back into the water from the force of the knockout Haymaker-style jab to the face. In one picture, you can see his piercing teeth as he prepares to take a razor sharp chunk out of his helpless competitor. Indonesian photographer Monica Anantyowati snapped the amazing shots while on a trip to Gembira Loka Zoological Garden in Indonesia.
SQUEEZING their furry faces through a hole in a tree, a trio of curious baby squirrels leave their nest for the first time to explore their surroundings .
STARING open-mouthed into the camera, this shocked fish looks out of place in the middle of its angry friends .
Complete with core, mantle and crust, these incredible planet cakes are truly out of this world .
This tranquil setting stretches for miles as the sun sets behind the mountain .
While often referred to as the kings of the jungle, gorillas - for all their might - are notorious hydrophobes .
OFFERING a glimpse into the past, a mash-up of old and new photographs show how the world’s biggest cities have changed .
WITH A LITTLE cap of fresh snow resting on his head, this squirrel tries his best to pull off his new look .
CARRYING a fully grown goat on his back, this five-year-old boy is a child shepherd in the mountains of northern Ethiopia .
SOARING at 112 miles per hour through the air, this petite blonde certainly lives up to her title as the fastest flying woman in the world .
THE FAST AND THE FURIOUS - 250 DRIVERS ARRESTED FOR STREET RACING IN BIRMINGHAM- In Pic - The start line on the Heartlands Parkway Nechels Birmingham .
This brave Hyena finally catches his pray among the thousands of flamingos, Lake Nakuru, Kenya - OUTNUMBERED among thousands of flamingos, this bold hyena is not put off from hunting for a morning snack .