FLOATING effortlessly on his back, this little otter laps up a rare glimmer of English spring sunshine. With a wide smile across his face, he is clearly enjoying his relaxing afternoon swim. These adorable photographs were captured by photographer Sue Edwards, 51, when she spotted this relaxed otter on a trip to the British Wildlife Centre in Lingfield, Surrey. 'This Eurasian otter was chilling out as he performed a relaxed roll in some shallow water,' says Sue, of Surrey
A COUNCIL has come under fire for slapping fines on people’s GRAVESTONES for breaching petty regulations on pot plants .
A frilled lizard appears to be belting out a tune as it sits in a tree with its mouth open wide .
Say cheese! This cheeky chappy isn’t in the mood to live up to his scary reputation as he is pictured here cracking a killer smile as he goes about his daily business .
A HEIGHT-addicted airline pilot has taken pictures of the Dubai from 1,300-feet .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
The claws come out at meal time as a group of white tailed eagles brawl over road-kill .
Splashing around in the water, a mother otter and her son are tangled in a family feud .
COURAGEOUS CLIMBERS scale frozen waterfalls in Canada, as the ice threatens to collapse beneath them .
FROM THE world famous Girl with a Pearl Earring painting to a jaguar in the grass, these incredible drawings are created from coloured ballpoint pens .
RACING through the mountain range on horseback, the Kazakh people practice their ancient tradition of hunting with golden eagles .