Sunny Saap, 27, from Columbia, Missouri, United States, enjoys life with her two boyfriends. Sunny lives with Matthew Shoffner, 34, and Kody Saap, 27. Sunny has a daughter with Matthew, and a daughter with Kody.
A kingfisher’s bright blue and orange feathers glisten in the sunlight as the bird dives into a lake .
AN ARRAY of colours, from pinks to blues and oranges, fill the night sky to create an amazing collection of interstellar patterns .
NATURE PAPARAZZIS prove you don't have to be Justin Bieber or Cheryl Cole to attract a pack of photographers .
COURAGEOUS climbers descend 400 metres as they manoeuvre their way through thick walls of ice .
THE THOUGHT OF BECOMING shipwrecked on a remote destination would fill most holidaymakers with dread .
Soldiers standing guard outside the Woolwich barracks in London - Two terror suspects are under armed guard in separate hospitals in London after a serving soldier was hacked to death in the street .
PERCHED on a branch, these two frogs hold hands as they look into the camera .
A British jewellery designer with a passion for London's iconic Gherkin has created a pen with an INK-REDIBLE price tag of £27,500 .
SNEAKING slowly into the water, this Bengal tiger plans a vicious attack on three unsuspecting deer .
TOMORROW (Saturday) marks the 28th anniversary of the nuclear disaster that left the city of Chernobyl devastated .
BURSTING from the water, a beautiful but deadly Sumatran tiger jumps for food in an Indonesian zoo .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .