This cheeky macaque gets up close and personal as he examines the dental hygiene of his fellow primate. Using his fingers to prise open his friend's mouth, he carefully inspects his teeth, searching for any unwanted visitors. The hilarious photographs were captured by British photographer David Williams, 41, on a visit to Tama Zoo, in Hino, Japan. David, from Bangor, Wales, says: “In these pictures you can see a macaque looking inside a friend's mouth, searching for fleas or insects.
Throwing a right hook as he launches onto his opponent with his gnarling teeth at the ready, this is the OTTER-LY ruthless showdown between two otters .
SPLASHING in the water and fighting in-between rocks, these energetic tigers enjoy their fun-filled morning .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
FROM MRS Patmore to Lady Sybil, these barking mad illustrations show the WOOF-er side of some of our most loved Downton characters .
With an abandoned tricycle sitting in an empty corridor, this derelict but once grand mansion could be the setting for The Shining .
Ever wished you could live in a house just like Barbie's? Canadian sculptor Heather Benning has created the life-size dollhouse of her dreams out a derelict building .
MOUTH OPEN wide, this little stoat appears to be in mid-song as he belts out a tune for his onlookers .
Pic By HotSpot Media - GAME, SET-TEE AND MATCH: COUPLE INSTALL TENNIS COURT IN LOUNGE- In Pic - Ben Walters’ message to West Midlands Police via social media .
Primed and ready for action, this collection of striking images from the battlefield could be mistaken for authentic photos taking during World War II .
Suspended FIFTY metres in the air, this is the last place that you would expect to find a fine dining experience .