A schoolboy is the envy of his friends due to a one in 14-million condition which means he can only eat FRY-UPS to survive.Lee Jones, 15, lives on a diet of sausages, bacon and burgers all washed down with gallons of olive oil and double cream. He suffers from illness that means his body cannot process glucose. So while sugar and carbs are off the menu, Lee can eat as many high fat fry-ups as he likes.... SEE HOTSPOT COPY
If you had to scrape the snow off your car this morning or slip-slide your way into work over icy pavements spare a thought for these little critters .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
LUMINOUS green rocks could easily be a beach from Superman's homeland of Krypton .
MOUTH OPEN wide, this little stoat appears to be in mid-song as he belts out a tune for his onlookers .
These beautiful photographs show how these playful pods of dolphins make their own fun by gliding, flipping and spinning through the air whilst enjoying the sun on their backs .
A grand 56-bedroom hotel, once heaving with injured soldiers during the First World War, now lies completely abandoned .
An osprey soars through the air at 30 miles per hour before swooping down to catch its prey from a lake .
Hot on the heels of a little rabbit, this cheetah is on a mission to catch his prey .
Blonde teen Jess Stubbs has certainly got girl power - as Britain’s youngest TRUCKER .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
THIS DANGER-mad female pensioner could be the oldest Brit to cage dive with CROCODILES .
AN ARRAY of colours, from pinks to blues and oranges, fill the night sky to create an amazing collection of interstellar patterns .