SOME OF the sea’s most terrifying creatures show their softer side as they join a group of diners for lunch. The tiger sharks, unfazed by the scuba clad guests, appear to enjoy themselves as they dine on a meal of chum. Belgian underwater photographer Ellen Cuylaerts, 44, captured the photographs in a shallow sand bank off the coast of Tiger Beach in the Bahamas. Ellen, now living in Grand Cayman, Cayman Islands, says: “In these photographs you see a tiger shark coming to feed at the bait crate for the first time
A woman has been left scarred for life after a botched eye lift burnt her eyelids .
Pic By HotSpot Media - SWASTIKA’S SPRAYED ON MOSQUE - RACIST graffiti including swastikas have been emblazoned on a £2 .
WITH his spiked ears and yellow and blue body, a colourful monkey bears an uncanny resemblance to Marvel Comics’ Wolverine .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
A diabetic who was addicted to energy drinks has lost 8st after doctors warned her habit was blinding her .
Playing, splashing and generally messing around, these polar bears show they certainly have a soft spot for the water, and not just each other .
The gunslingers are long gone and tumbleweeds have taken over at this abandoned American Wild West Theme Park in Cornwall .
Tina O’Brien, 54, from East Midlands, met Frederick Allchorne, now 62, when she was 15 .
STAIRWAY obsessed photographers have captured psychedelic shots that will mesmerise you .
An intrepid explorer hopes to be reunited with his travel partner, after his cuddly toy companion was stolen .
This Robin Reliant appears to have taken a wrong turn after it ended up 15 feet high up in a TREE .
An artist has NAILED IT by creating beautiful and perfectly precise artwork using a hammer and 30,000 nails .