A luxury caravan with a price tag of ONE MILLION DOLLARS is due to hit the road later this year. The American built CR-1 Carbon is a blacked-out behemoth that well and truly dwarfs the humble white camper van. Created in Speedway, Indiana, within earshot of the Indianapolis Motor Speedway and the roaring engines of the annual Indy 500 race, the caravan boasts a design inspired by motorsport and aerospace technology. Built from carbon fibre, the same lightweight yet durable material used for Ferraris, Formula 1 cars and the Boeing 787, the caravan is 35ft long, 10ft 8” tall, 8ft wide and weighs in at 6,500 pounds.
FROM a HOLLYWOOD actress to the face of an innocent child, these are incredible drawings with an unlikely twist .
THIS may look like a dolphin through jumping hoops, but it is in fact nothing more than a clever 3D pencil drawing .
Swimming side by side with divers, these manatees will do anything they can to stay warm .
The sun is finally out, bringing a smile to many people’s faces – including this cute little dormouse’s! Grinning from ear to ear, this tiny dormouse appears to have been tickled by something as it clambered up this flower, basking in the sunshine, whilst having a little laugh to himself .
A 20st mum-of-four who was dangerously obese has lost half her body weight after her son drew her as a BLOB at school .
A BLIND man was battered with a brick in a sickening attack by two thugs .
These uninvited guests ELEPHANTLY make their annual trip through the reception of this welcoming lodge .
A Hereford woman has lost 10st 3lbs after ditching her £260-a-month takeaway habit .
Something appears to have tickled this baby owl as he seems to be having a real HOOT .
NEVER mind being careful not to choke on your food, this mother bird has a bigger challenge on her hands, as her ravenous offspring impatiently launches its head down into her stomach .
Dogs catch waves at the Coronado Bay dog surf championships Saturday 22nd June 2013- DOG SURFING mutts have never looked so gnarly .
A woman who was addicted to eating curries has shed an impressive 8st after giving up her favourite food .