WITHOUT a care in the world, this little chimpanzee shows off her gymnastic skills as she swings around her enclosure. The blissful ape throws herself around using trees, branches and ropes in Southwick's Zoo in Mendon, Massachusetts. The playful scene was captured by photographer Abeselom Zerit when he visited the zoo in north-western America. The 43-year-old, of Pawtucket , Rhode Island, says: "This adolescent chimp, named Tanzie, turned six in March and she reminds me a lot of my own five-year-old - very curious and rascally!
With blue waves tumbling over them, these surfers glide underneath a tunnel of water .
BREATHING life back into old photographs, these black and white images are transformed by colour .
A young makeup artist has hit back at vile internet trolls who dubbed her a 'swamp creature' and 'ugly' for exposing her troubled skin in online makeup tutorials .
A mum from Gloucestershire has accepted her four-year-old twin son’s decision to live full time as a girl - and is now letting him wear a skirt to school .
A woman has told how her addiction to eating bath bubbles during her pregnancy was better than SEX .
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea .
A British photographer has captured the beauty of London in a stunning series of landscapes shots .
THIS incredible shimmer of silver fish mirrors the image of that of an underwater tornado .
With the full moon looming behind him, this polar bear nestles down for the night .
A woman with a rare condition that means she collapses every time she laughs fears she may have passed the rare illness onto her young son .
A mother-of-one has revealed how a neighbour’s friend ‘mauled’ her face, leaving her scarred for life .