Jostling their quills into the noses of some unlucky cubs, this is the moment two feisty porcupines ALMOST defeat a pride of seven lions. The porcupines, after leaving their spikey mark, hurry away from the pack of big cats. But they are unable to escape when the pride's alpha male lion arrives and devours the retreating spine covered rodents. Amateur photographer and software tester Philip Eglise witness the battle during a trip to the Kalahari Desert, South Africa .
WITH A LITTLE cap of fresh snow resting on his head, this squirrel tries his best to pull off his new look .
The Royal Mail moggy, who is now facing eviction from the premises – MEET the Royal Mail moggy facing eviction from the sorting room by an ‘elf n’ safety diktat .
Andrea Kubinova, 30, from London, became great friends with serial killer and necrophiliac, Dennis Nilsen .
A woman has revealed how cruel bullies taunted her daily at school, calling her names like 'pig nose' and 'no nose' .
A father-of-one stunned his wife of twenty-five years after revealing his secret love of POLE DANCING .
THIS is the fascinating abandoned house, complete with mystery portraits and homely items, that has been dubbed - crooked cottage .
A TEN-THOUSAND square foot wide Avatar-style grove is such a beauty it will leave you feeling VINE .
The beds are consumed by moss instead of customers at this abandoned hotel .
HOPPING onto the scales, these adorable baby Humboldt penguins are ready for their first weigh-in .
AT first glance these images could easily be mistaken for photographs, but they are in-fact real life drawings created using nothing but coloured pencils .
A woman brutally beaten in a revenge attack has slammed the soft sentence handed to her assailant .
This starling and prairie dog will not back down an inch as they have a fearsome stand-off over who gets to eat a nut .