USUALLY full to bursting, these London Underground stations stand silent and completely commuter free. These eerie photographs were compiled by social media director James Whatley, 34, who stumbled into the idea of capturing a deserted Underground. 'It was almost accidental if I'm perfectly honest,' says James, of London. 'I've spent nearly six years capturing these moments and it was only after the first five that I realised I was making a hobby of it.
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
SWIMMING next to 40 tonne whales, dare-devil divers take the plunge with these gentle giants of the sea .
A Romanian woman is celebrating her new job as a knife-thrower’s assistant after leaving her family behind to move to the UK .
A Birmingham man inspired by sci-fi film Wall-E, has created a one- wheeled vehicle, controlled by signals from his BRAIN .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
SPLASHING in the water and fighting in-between rocks, these energetic tigers enjoy their fun-filled morning .
PICKING up a tiny tea-pot with its paws, a little red squirrel struggles to prepare its morning tea .
Pictures of John Anslow a prisoner who escaped from a prison escort van in North Worcestershire Monday, 23 January .
A dog whose forehead skin was so heavy that he was going blind has finally seen his owner again after undergoing a £1K FACELIFT .
The UK's first hotline - and possibly the galaxy's - for people who have been targeted by aliens has opened to the public .
WITH the mystical clouds forming a thick blanket and the electrifying lights below, these stunning pictures provide a unique view of the cityscape of Dubai taken from the tallest building in the world .
Most women would jump at the chance to put on some lipstick, sling on a pair of heels and head out for a romantic meal with their other half .