EXPERTLY camouflaged, this clever panther chameleon knows how to catch its prey by surprise. It takes the chameleon less than 0.003 of a second to scoop up an unsuspecting grasshopper by shooting out its long, sticky tongue. The moment was captured in Lokobe Nature Reserve in northwestern Madagascar by photographer Milan Zygmunt.
An aerial view of flooding in Gloucestershire .
A middle spotted woodpecker swoops into her nest and feeds her young in a forest in Trentino, Italy .
From a floating jelly fish to a relaxed seal, Britain’s unappreciated beach life is captured above and below the water .
DIVING boffins fired harpoons into 30-foot-long whale sharks in a bid to put the sea-beasts on Google Maps .
Bryanna Debinder, 20, from Pennsylvania in the USA, has lost 7 stone in order to impress her idol .
A doting seal smiles at her sweet little pup as she tickles its tummy on the beach .
A woman has told how she fled to Australia, after a one night stand burned down her house .
A man has spent almost £100K on lip fillers, Botox and designer clothing in a bid to look like Kim Kardashian .
A young polar bear cub becomes the yogi bear as she stretches off for a morning aerobics session .
HMS Ark Royal arrives in the Turkish port of Aliaga at the ship scrapping firm Leyal’s yard .
A mother-of-two has revealed how her son became a human fireball after a dangerous 'TikTok challenge' went wrong .
Villages on the Somerset Levels have faced weeks of flooding with no respite from the conditions in sight .