Leaping out of the ocean, a group of gentoo penguins fly through the air before landing safely on an iceberg. Shaking their tail feathers dry, the seabirds take a few moments to waddle back towards the water's edge before taking the plunge again. The amusing scene was captured by photography guide David Merron as he watched the penguins from a boat near Danco Island, Antarctica.
An Italian photographer travelled to the highlands of New Guinea where he met an Indonesian tribe untouched by the modern world .
A single woman, who was granted IVF funding on the NHS, finally has a baby after suffering three miscarriages .
The rock restaurant, located in Zanzibar – THIS unique restaurant really does boast breath-taking views - as it is perched on a rock in the middle of the sea .
A Romanian woman is celebrating her new job as a knife-thrower’s assistant after leaving her family behind to move to the UK .
POWERFUL bolts of lightning illuminate the night sky in an incredible autumn storm over the Sardinian coastline .
A Little owl looks down the lens of a camera and gives the photographer a cheeky wink .
Dogs catch waves at the Coronado Bay dog surf championships Saturday 22nd June 2013- DOG SURFING mutts have never looked so gnarly .
Enjoying life’s little pleasures is something that many struggle to do .
A family of foster carers are facing bankruptcy and homelessness after they signed up to a Government scheme to renovate their house to be used for disabled children's short breaks .
CREATED over 60 years ago, this weighty machine was the Photoshop of its time .
SNEAKING slowly into the water, this Bengal tiger plans a vicious attack on three unsuspecting deer .